My Experience Learning to Code

My Experience Learning to Code

About 10 years ago, I built my first site using the web. A few years after that, I made it a goal to do it professionally. Since that time, the number of developers worldwide has grown by roughly 5-10X. Which means most of us are new here. Early on, I read anything I could find sharing how others learned to code.

Ryan Bethel’s avatar

Ryan Bethel
13 mins to read

Enhance API Routes and OpenAPI

Enhance API Routes and OpenAPI

Documenting Enhance API's with OpenAPI.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
5 mins to read

Redefining Developer Experience

Redefining Developer Experience

For years now, the most popular JS frameworks have carried out intense marketing initiatives based on the premise of improving developer experience (DX). What is it about these promises of great DX that is consistently delivering poor user experiences? Can we change our approach to DX for the betterment of end users?

Cole Peters’s avatar

Cole Peters
22 mins to read

Enhancing FWAs with web components with Brian LeRoux

Enhancing FWAs with web components with Brian LeRoux

Brian jumps on PodRocket to talk about their conference talk, “Enhance your functional web apps with web components” from last year’s CascadiaJS conference.

Brian LeRoux’s avatar

Brian LeRoux
32 mins to read

Why does everyone

Why does everyone "suddenly" hate Single Page Apps?

My thoughts on the recent backlash against Single Page Applications

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
5 mins to read

Uploading files with HTML forms: Part 2

Uploading files with HTML forms: Part 2

Uploading files from the browser. Part 2 shows enhancements with a small amount of client side JavaScript.

Ryan Bethel’s avatar

Ryan Bethel
9 mins to read

Why we Server Side Render Web Components

Why we Server Side Render Web Components

Our rational on choosing the platform over chasing JavaScript frameworks.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
28 mins to read

Uploading files with HTML forms: Part 1

Uploading files with HTML forms: Part 1

Sending files and images from the browser to the server is less common but still critical for many useful applications.

Ryan Bethel’s avatar

Ryan Bethel
16 mins to read

Bulletproof Sessions with HttpOnly Cookies

Bulletproof Sessions with HttpOnly Cookies

When you visit a website, by default, it doesn’t remember anything about you. HTTP is a stateless protocol. Sessions are a way for a website to remember things about you, like if you’re logged in or what’s in your shopping cart.

Brian Leroux’s avatar

Brian Leroux
8 mins to read

I just wanted to buy pants. How excessive JavaScript is costing you money

I just wanted to buy pants. How excessive JavaScript is costing you money

A cautionary tale about our over dependence on client-side JavaScript.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
6 mins to read

Using Fast Components in an Enhance App

Using Fast Components in an Enhance App

Fast is a library of web components and framework for building web components from Microsoft. With a minor amount of configuration you can use Fast components in your Enhance app.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
1 mins to read

Converting Lit Components to Enhance

Converting Lit Components to Enhance

Lit is a fine framework for building web components, but there are a few reasons you may want to convert a Lit component into an Enhance component. Read on to find out how to avoid some common web component pitfalls.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
6 mins to read

Maintain scroll position across page loads without an SPA

Maintain scroll position across page loads without an SPA

This post shows how to fix the problem of preserving scroll position across page reloads without the need to buy into a messy Single Page App (SPA) architecture.

Ryan Bethel’s avatar

Ryan Bethel
3 mins to read

Past Informs the Present: Our Approach to CSS

Past Informs the Present: Our Approach to CSS

In this article, we briefly recap some of the history and evolution of CSS. We then use that information to inform a focus on several methodologies — some battle tested, some more recent — for making the process of styling web apps and components both enjoyable and effective.

Cole Peters’s avatar

Cole Peters
24 mins to read

On the twelfth day of Enhancing: Debugging

On the twelfth day of Enhancing: Debugging

How to debug your remote applications.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
1 mins to read

On the eleventh day of Enhancing: Environment Variables

On the eleventh day of Enhancing: Environment Variables

Setting environment variables to enable different behaviors in production.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
1 mins to read

On the tenth day of Enhancing: Deploying your app

On the tenth day of Enhancing: Deploying your app

Deploy your Enhance app to the cloud using the Begin CLI.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
2 mins to read

On the ninth day of Enhancing: Externalizing Scripts

On the ninth day of Enhancing: Externalizing Scripts

To improve developer experience let's externalize some scripts.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
3 mins to read

On the eighth day of Enhancing: Progressively Enhanced Forms

On the eighth day of Enhancing: Progressively Enhanced Forms

Let's progressively enhance our submit button.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
4 mins to read

On the seventh day of Enhancing: Forms

On the seventh day of Enhancing: Forms

Getting started storing data is a snap with Enhance and HTML forms.

Simon MacDonald’s avatar

Simon MacDonald
4 mins to read